Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Cheung Kong Young Scholar (教育部青年长江学者)
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China
[Google Scholar] [Homepage in Chinese]
Associate Editor: IEEE TAFFC/IEEE JBHI
Dr. Zheng Zhang is a faculty member at School of Computer Science and Technology,
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China, and also holds an adjunct position
at Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China. He is the deputy director of the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Visual
Object Detection and Recognition, Shenzhen, China. Dr. Zhang is the Big Media Intelligence (BMI) Research Group Leader.
Openings: I am continuously looking for highly motivated Ph.D. students
and postdoctoral researchers to work on machine learning, computer vision, and multimedia. Please send me your CV if interested.
I can supervise Ph.D. students affiliated with the Harbin Institute of Technology as well as Peng Cheng Laboratory.
You also may refer to my BMI research group for detailed information.
- Email: (personal/research/review invitation) & (teaching/admission)
- Office Tel: (0755) 86707544
- Office: Room 1519, Building L, HIT Campus, University Town of Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518055, China "Happiness depends upon ourselves." — Aristotle
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler." — Albert Einstein
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that’s counted truly counts." — Albert Einstein
Zheng Zhang received his Ph.D. degree from the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), supervised by Prof. Yong Xu (Changjiang Professorship). He visited the Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, advised by Prof. Cheng-Lin Liu (IEEE Fellow). After obtaining his doctoral degree, he became an Assistant Researcher at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), and later was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Data Science Group, The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia, supervised by Prof. Helen Huang. He was fortunately mentored by Prof. Heng Tao Shen (Member of Academia Europaea, ACM/IEEE Fellow) and Prof. Ling Shao (IEEE Fellow). Since 2019, he has been with School of Computer Science & Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China.
Dr. Zhang's research interests mainly focus on Multimedia Content Understanding, especially Multimodal Learning, Resource-Efficient LLM, and AI Security. He has published over 100 technical papers in prestigious international journals and conference proceedings. Notably, he has been honored with paper awards from ACM Multimedia Asia'21, EAI ICMTEL'22, and SMARTCOMP'14. He is a recipient of Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award of CIE, Outstanding Young Research Achievement Award of CAAI, and Excellent Young Scientists Fund of Shenzhen. His innovative multimedia systems have garnered attention from mainstream media outlets such as UN COP26, Xinhua News, etc., and have been successfully transferred to prominent companies, such as Tencent, Alibaba Group, Huawei, ICBC, SZIDC, etc. He has been featured as the 'World's Top 2% Scientists' for several consecutive years. He is an IEEE and CCF Senior Member.
Dr. Zheng Zhang serves/served as an Editorial Board Member for IEEE Trans. on Affective Computing (T-AFFC), IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), Information Fusion (INFFUS), Information Processing & Management (IP&M), among others. Additionally, he has contributed as an Area Chair or Senior PC for numerous top conferences, such as ICML, NeurIPS, CVPR, ICLR, ACM MM, AAAI, IJCAI, etc. He has also demonstrated proficiency in organizing international conferences, such as ADMA 2021 and 2023, ACM Multimedia Asia 2021, along with several other notable events.
Research Interests
- Efficient LLM Architecture, PEFT, Reliable MLLM
- Cross-media Intelligence, Retrieval, Big Data Analysis
- Trustworthy Multimodal Learning, Uncertainty Modeling
- AI in Healthcare, Medical Image Analysis
Publications (Selected Pub)
- Zheng Zhang, Binary Representation Learning on Visual Images, ISBN: 978-981-97-2111-5, Springer Nature, Jun. 2024. [Link]
- 张正, 徐勇, 卢光明, 数据分析的结构化表征学习, 人民邮电出版社, ISBN: 978-7-115-58401-4, 2022. (国家出版基金项目和“十四五”时期国家重点出版物出版专项规划项目联合支持) [Link]
- Lei Zhu, Jingjing Li, Zheng Zhang, Dynamic Graph Learning for Dimension Reduction and Data Clustering, Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science (SLCS), ISBN: 978-3-031-42312-3, Springer Nature, 2023.
- Xiaochun Yang, Chang-Dong Wang, Saiful Islam, Zheng Zhang (Eds.), The 16th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, ADMA 2020, Foshan, China, Nov. 12-14 2020, Springer LNAI, vol. 12447, ISBN: 978-3-030-65389-7, 2020.
- Shuihua Wang, Zheng Zhang, Yuan Xu (Eds.), The IoT and Big Data Technologies for Health Care, The second EAI International Conference, IoTCARE 2021, October 18-19, 2021, Springer LNICS, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2021.
Journal paper:
- Z. Zhang, L. Liu, F. Shen, H. T. Shen, L. Shao, Binary Multi-View Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 41(7):1774-1782, 2019. (The first binary code learning method for multi-modal learning.) (CCF A, No. 1 Journal in AI) [Paper][Link][Code]
- Z. Zhang✉, X. Yuan, L. Zhu, J. Song, L. Nie, BadCM: Invisible Backdoor Attack against Cross-Modal Learning, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 33: 2558-2571, 2024. (CCF A)[Link][Code]
- X. Yuan, Z. Zhang✉, X. Wang, L. Wu, Semantic-Aware Adversarial Training for Reliable Deep Hashing Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 18: 4681-4694, 2023. (CCF A) [Link][Code]
- Z. Zhang, H. Luo, L. Zhu, G. Lu, H. T. Shen, Modality-Invariant Asymmetric Networks for Cross-Modal Hashing, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 5091-5104, 2023. (CCF A) [Link][Code]
- Q. Wu, Z. Zhang✉, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, L. Nie, Contrastive Multi-bit Collaborative Learning for Deep Cross-modal Hashing, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2024.3419577, 2024. (CCF A) [Link][Code]
- H. Luo, Z. Zhang✉, L. Nie, Contrastive Incomplete Cross-modal Hashing, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2024.3410388, 2024. (CCF A) [Link][Code]
- J. Wen, Z. Zhang✉, Z. Zhang, L. Fei, M. Wang, Generalized Incomplete Multiview Clustering With Flexible Locality Structure Diffusion, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB), 51(1): 101-114, 2021. [Link][Code]
- J. Wen✟, Z. Zhang✟, L. Fei, B. Zhang, Y. Xu, Z. Zhang, J. Li, A Survey on Incomplete Multiview Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (TSMCA), vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 1136-1149, 2023. [Link][Suppl Doc][Code]
- Z. Zhang✉, X. Wang, G. Lu, F. Shen, L. Zhu, Targeted Attack of Deep Hashing via Prototype-supervised Adversarial Networks, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), vol. 24, pp. 3392-3404, 2022. [Link][Code]
- A. Lin, B. Chen, J. Xu, Z. Zhang✉, G. Lu, DS-TransUNet: Dual Swin Transformer U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement (TIM), vol. 71, pp. 1-15, 2022. [Link][Code] (Top 3 Most Popular Paper, Jul. 2022-now)
Conference paper:
- H. Luo, Z. Zhang✉, Y. Luo, Exploiting Descriptive Completeness Prior for Cross Modal Hashing with Incomplete Labels, in Proc. of The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024. (CCF A)
- Y. Liu, J. Wen✉, C. Liu, X. Fang✉, Z. Li, Y. Xu, Z. Zhang✉, Language-Driven Cross-Modal Classifier for Zero-Shot Multi-Label Image Recognition, in Proc. of The Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024. (CCF A) [Link][Code]
- J. Xu, Y. Ren, X. Wang, L. Feng, Z. Zhang, G. Niu, X. Zhu, Investigating and Mitigating the Side Effects of Noisy Views for Self-Supervised Clustering Algorithms in Practical Multi-View Scenarios, in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024. (CCF A) [Link][Code]
- Y. Mo, F. Nie, P. Hu, H. T. Shen, Z. Zhang✉, X. Wang✉, X. Zhu✉, Self-supervised Heterogeneous Graph Learning: a Homogeneity and Heterogeneity Perspective, in Proc. of The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024. [Link][Code]
- B. Chen, S. Fu, Y. Liu, J. Pan, G. Lu, Z. Zhang✉, CariesXrays: Enhancing Caries Detection in Hospital-scale Panoramic Dental X-rays via Feature Pyramid Contrastive Learning, in Proc. of The Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024. (CCF A) [Link][Code]
- Y. Liu, Q. Wu, Z. Zhang✉, J. Zhang, G. Lu, Multi-Granularity Interactive Transformer Hashing for Cross-modal Retrieval, in Proc. of The 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMM), 2023. (CCF A, Oral) [Link][Code]
- X. Wang, Z. Zhang✉, G. Lu, Y. Xu, Targeted Attack and Defense for Deep Hashing, in Proc. of The 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), pp. 2298-2302, 2021. (CCF A) [Link][Code]
- X. Wang✟, Z. Zhang✟✉, B. Wu, F. Shen, G. Lu, Prototype-supervised Adversarial Network for Targeted Attack of Deep Hashing, in Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 16357-16366, 2021. (CCF A) [Link][Code]
- J. Wen✟, Z. Zhang✟✉, Z. Zhang✉, L. Zhu, L. Fei, B. Zhang, Y. Xu, Unified Tensor Framework for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering and Missing-view Inferring, in Proc. of The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 35(11), pp. 10273-10281, 2021. (CCF A) [Code]
- Y. Luo, Z. Huang, Z. Zhang✉, Z. Wang, M. Baktashmotlagh, Y. Yang, Learning from the Past: Continual Meta-Learning with Bayesian Graph Neural Networks, in Proc. of The Thirty-Four AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New York, USA, pp. 5021-5028, 2020. (CCF A) [Acceptance Rate: 20.6%] [Link][Code]
Professional Activities
Journal Editorial Board Membership- Associate Editor: IEEE Trans. on Affective Computing (T-AFFC, 2023 - ), IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI, 2023 - ), Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA, 2022--2024).
- Editorial Board Member: Information Fusion (INFFUS, 2022 - ), Information Processing & Management (IP&M, 2020 - ).
- Early Career Advisory Board Member: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS, CCF T1, 2021--2024).
- Guest Editors: IEEE JBHI (2023--2024, 2024-2025), Information Fusion (2023--2024), IEEE JBHI (2020--2022), IP&M (2021--2022), IP&M (2020--2021), and etc.
- On-going CFP: [1] IEEE JBHI, Special Issue on “Multimodal Approaches in Neuroimaging with Explainable and Responsible AI”, 2024. [Link] [2] Information Sciences, Special Issue on “Open-world Multi-modal Machine Learning for Uncertain Medicine and Healthcare Big Data Analysis”, 2024. [Link]
Conference Technical Program Committee
- Organizing Committee: Tutorial Chair and PhD School Chair for ADMA 2023; Organization Chair for VCC 2023; TPC Chair for EAI IoTCare 2024; Chair for EAI IoTCare 2023; Publicity Chair for SSRA 2022; TPC Chair for ACM ICMR 2022 Special Session; TPC Chair for EAI IoTCare 2021; Ph.D. School Chair for ACMM Asia 2021; Publication Chair for ADMA 2020; Special Issue Chair for EAI ICMTEL 2021.
- Recognition: ECCV'20 (Outstanding Reviewer Award), ECAI'23 (Early Bird Award), etc.
Journal Reviewer (20+ IEEE/ACM Trans.):
- Recognition: IEEE TMI (Distinguished Reviewer), IEEE TNNLS (Outstanding Reviewer), Elsevier IPM (Outstanding Reviewer), etc.
Research Group
Current Research Students- Cong Jiang (PhD student, 2024/09- )
- Xianchao Guan (PhD student, 2024/09- )
- Wenjue He (Master&PhD student, 2022/09-2024/01; 2024/03- )
- Ziquan Yu (PhD student, 2023/09- )
- Wenyun Li (PhD student, 2023/09- )
- Weikang Meng (PhD student, 2023/09- )
- Yishu Liu (PhD student, co-advised with Prof. Lu, 2022/03- )
- Zijun Xiong (Master student, 2024/09-2027/01)
- Liangyu Huo (Master student, 2024/09-2027/01)
- Yubo Cui (Master student, 2024/09-2027/01)
- Zhijing Huang (Master student, 2023/09-2026/01)
- Ziyi Bian (Master student, 2023/09-2026/01)
- Qingpeng Wu (Master student, 2022/09-2025/01)
- Songling Chen (Master student, 2022/09-2025/01)
- Han Lin (Master student, 2022/09-2025/01)
- Zengyang Che (Master student, 2022/09-2025/06)
- Mixiao Hou (Ph.D., co-advised with Prof. Lu, 2019/09-2024/04): Researcher@Second Academy of Astronautics
- Bingzhi Chen (Ph.D., co-advised with Prof. Lu, 2017/09-2022/06): Researcher@SCNU (Talent Programme)
- Yingjian Li (Ph.D., co-advised with Prof. Lu, 2018/09-2023/03): Postdoc@Peng Cheng Lab
- Xu Yuan (M.S., 2021/09-2024/01): PhD student@PolyU
- Jianning Wang (M.S., co-advised with Prof. Lu, 2021/09-2024/04): Alibaba Group
- Junfeng An (M.S., 2021/09-2024/04): Start-up
- Haoyang Luo (M.S., 2021/09-2024/04): PhD student@CityU
- Shuguang Zhao (M.S., 2020/09-2023/03): Huawei
- Xunguang Wang (M.S., 2019/09-2021/12): PhD student@HKUST
- Wenjue He (2021-2022): M.S. student@HIT
- Keyi Han (2021-2022): M.S. student@CAS
- Junfeng An (2020-2021): M.S. student@HIT
- Haoyang Luo (2020-2021): M.S. student@HIT
- Jianning Wang (2020-2021): M.S. student@HIT